The State of the Blog

And so....
Musings of a Hobby Butterfly
Goals for 2016 -
- 2-3 posts a week for the full 52 weeks of the year.
- Content that appeals to a variety of viewers/readers.
- 10 subscribers... or 1 subscriber
To meet these Goals, I have decided to set up a schedule of content to keep up to date.
It will go as follows.
-Showcase Sunday-
-Wenesday Weekly-
-Fun/Fantastic/Furious Friday-
Showcase sunday will be a place for me to show you completed projects I, or others, have been working on.
Wenesday Weekly will be a hobby update for the week from the following Wenesday, what I am working on, what movies I am watching, what games I am playing.
Fun/Fantastic/Furious Friday will be... well, everything else. It will be the posts I may make about silly things that make me mad, or an awesome game experiance I had. There is no limit to things I may put there.
Lastly, I would like to talk about the challenges I forsee having with this Blog.
The first, and foremost, challenge I will have will be to keep posting. Even on weeks when I am run down from work, getting something, anything up.
The second challenge I forsee is a lack of variety in subject matter for posting.
So I guess I am asking this... If you like what I am doing, or like a particular type of content, Let me know! Comment, post, shoutout, anything. Tell me what you like and don't like, tell me what I can do to improve this Blog!
Thoughts? Comments for the Good of the Blog? Post Below
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