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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Going into the New Year... Resolutions!

Resolutions are always difficult.
You want to choose one that will work for you... and yet make you just uncomfortable enough to actually do it.
As a whole, my... track record of resolutions is not actually that great. I usually make it about half-way though January, then tap out. Or, better yet, I make my resolutions too abstract.
Not this year. No Sir. This year, I am going to make it.
I am tying to avoid as much quantity as I can.... I don't want to say I will run 5 days a week in order to get back in shape. No. I dont want to do that. What I will do is give myself managable goals that will set myself up to succeed.
As such, here are my Resolutions.
I resolve to change my Fitbit goal steps to 15,000 steps, and resolve to meet that goal 4 times a week.
I resolve to stop drinking Coka Cola for the duration of 2016.
I resolve maintain and update this blog, and stay active in my Hobbies.
I resolve that I will only purchase more models once I have completely painted an equivelent model/number of models.
I resolve to finish atleast one unit a month, or one model a week.
Pretty steep in some parts, but I think I can do it. I suppose let me explain a bit. I, of course, want to get in better shape. Hence Resolutions 1 and 2. I have had a Coke problem (Drink) for a number of years, and it is about time I did something about it. And the nice thing is that I dont actually like any other Sodas, so... should work out ok. The last 3 resolutions are a... call to arms, if you will. Like I have stated, I have an enormous stack of plastic just waiting for some love, and by God I better take care of it. I am not the quickest painter by any means, so I decided Low and Slow was the way to go.
Do you have any hobby related Resolutions you would like to share? 
Or just resolutions?
Feel free to comment Below!

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