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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Wednesday Weekly #1 - Frostgrave, Horus Heresy

Hi there everyone!

Firstly, yes, I know it is Thursday. Loads of things have been happening this week, probably the biggest being I started a new job, and have been trying to keep my head on around that. Also, because I suck, and forgot... the batteries to my camera were dead... so... Hey! Welcome to Wednesday Weekly... on Thursday!

I have a couple of things I want to share today! I haven't gotten a whole lot of painting done this week, but I did get some very important things built and primed. I also had an opportunity to play some D&D, so I will share at least one of my misadventures with you. 

First up, lets do some pictures. 

I got some packages delivered this last week with some nice Frostgrave models/bases in them... so I figured my best bet is to go ahead and build them up so I can get right to painting them. Well, the Treasure markers went together easy and quick, so I just painted them up right away. And, well, because I had my airbrush all set up any way, I figured it would be awesome to take care of priming some metal figures as well. I would like to present...

E'Vereta Becot, and her Apprentice, Saval Dormier

I am pretty excited about getting some pigment on these models, the figures themselves actually have quite a bit of detail in them. 

I also have the Summoner and his apprentice, but I may have to take the liberty of naming them at a later date. Picture to follow! I was also able to build one of my archers, I believe this will be One-Eyed Sue

The last projects I am currently working on is two-fold. I am working on a Pre-Heresy Imperial Fist army.... and a Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children army. 
So first up I have a test model with my purple color scheme on it. This is... attempt number 4? I
finally like the gradient of the color though, so I am pretty happy. The real trick will be translating that into bulk models! So first, the test model, then two more HQ units that only have the armor colored. I have given some thought to doing a fine edge highlight
at some points, but am undecided. Thoughts?

My last picture I wish to share is my armor scheme for my Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists. Now, it has taken me a long time, and a ton of research online to fine a scheme that works for me... and so I present my Imperial Fist Contemptor Dreadnought. Not the best pictures, but still working on finding a medium that works best.

And my last little bit, a tidbit from my RPG. I was exploring a room in the basement on a tavern where a Ghoul attack took place... and rolled a 20.... so I found a locked door. Me, being a Bard, thought... well, I better just bash the door down. (Trust me, cross classing as soon as I can). I hit the door once with the pommel of my dagger, and I hear it give way some. I think, well, this is working well. I do it again. Attack roll against door... 1. Strength roll for effect...19. Pommel hits door, breaks lock, embeds itself... in my chest. Needless to say, I was having a bad day. 

I hope your week is going well! Do anything hobby related?


1 comment:

  1. I like the painting schemes that you have chosen. especially the purple that your doing for your emperors children. it really stands out nicely.
