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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Weekly # 4 - X-COM

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Ok, going to be honest, got nothing done model related this week. If you were hoping to see something like that, I am sad to say you better keep scrolling. 

However! If you want to see what I have been up to this week, stick around! I am going to tell you about it!

First off, talking about Friday! Got a chance to play in the first session of a hopefully ongoing campaign for 13th age. We were on a boat. It was awesome. I nearly drown, and did get thrown into jail. Again. That happens a lot to my characters in RPGs. Clearly has more to do with how the world reacts to me, rather than how I react to the world. 

Anyway! Something else nerdy I have been doing this week.  I have spent the last 5 or so days watching an awesome show called The 100. I actually posted about it on Friday (Sunday). Really an interesting show, I wholeheartedly encourage you to check it out. 

It is Winter in the Pacific Northwest, so that means Rain and Rain and Rain. As such... my hobby space has developed a leak in the roof. So I spent my Sunday trying to rectify that issue, to no avail, though I may have slowed it some. 

In the extra time I have in there, I have been playing the heck out of X-COM. I recently discovered the Long War mod, which extends the game exponentially. Love X-COM... one of my top three games. 

Anyway, how was your week?

Do anything hobby related?

Have a great week!



  1. Didnt realize the ship made you attempt to break into a rom what wasnt yours lol

  2. Of course it did! I am a thief! I see a locked door, i want to go through it! Besides, i did knock first! Several times. Hahaha
