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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Showcase Sunday # 2 - Aragorn, and the Masque

Alright, I have to admit, taking pictures is HARD. Like.... Really hard. So if you think they suck, i promise, my professional photographer (My wife) and I are working on it. 

So lets go on with Showcase Sunday, # 2. This week I have decided to showcase two models I painted for my dear wife when I was first wooing here. Thankfully for me, she still married me. 

First up, we have Aragorn, from Lord of the Rings. You all know him, Strider, the lost king of Gondor, all that jazz. I painted him up for a few reasons. Firstly, he is one of her favorite characters from the books/movies. Secondly, I actually really liked the dynamic nature of the model in questions... it screams headlong charge into a band of Uruk-hai to me. 

Some things that I remember being REALLY proud of when I painted this model... The base is badass. This is from right after I learned to build and paint much better display/showcase bases for models, and I was really excited about how this one in particular came out. Another thing I thought really turned out well was the cloth on Aragorn's tunic. It looks worn, dirty even, just vibrant still. I was happy with it anyway!

Now, the second model I painted for my wife is... the Masque. I know, strange choice, but i had a good reason behind it... I think. When my wife was looking through the W
arhammer page at the armies, humoring me, the demonettes of Slannesh actually stood out to her. I know, I know, you are sitting there saying to yourself, what kind of woman likes those scantily clad demons.... well, lets just say I got pretty damn lucky. So when I was looking for a second model to send to her, this HQ unit... with the Corset, screamed at me. So.... I attempted to paint a Demonette of Slannesh. I was pretty proud of my results here as well, I was really proud of how the cloth on her robe came out, as well as the underlying petticoats. Sadly, this model suffered the indignity of mauling by small fuzzy monster of batting piece chewing (Read, Kitten). The model mostly survived, and had some touch ups since.

What do you think of these models from 3 years ago!

Let me know below


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