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Welcome to My Nerd Experiance!

Hi there, [Insert Personalized name here]! I am glad you stopped in! Welcome to my Blog of all things Nerdom related! As you begin ...

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Welcome to My Nerd Experiance!

Hi there, [Insert Personalized name here]!

I am glad you stopped in! Welcome to my Blog of all things Nerdom related!

As you begin browsing, [First name], I hope you will not be turned away by the mish-mash of topics and concentration you may find here. My whole purpose for this blog is to reorganize my Nerd Related Thoughts into some semblance of continuity. Frankly, [Personal Name] I don't want to lose all the awesome stuff I think about on a semi-regularly basis.

I suppose you may want to know a bit about what may be covered in this Blog. Well... I would love to tell you, [First name], that I have a plan to follow a set of guidelines for this blog, that I have a plan that will reflect beauty and simplicity in style and layout for this blog. But... that would be a Lie. This blog, [Insert Name], is a mental puking of all the random crap that floats around my head. There will be posts about RPGing, posts about Video gaming, the occasional rant about Dragon Ball Z. There will be posts about Planning, Building, and Painting Models. There will be posts about my own rise to Nerdom. There will be discussions about the metaphysical plane of existence as it regards to Fantasy and Science Fiction. There may even be... a book review! But more than anything, there will be Posts about Nerd Things. No Boundaries. 

So as you can see, [Personal Name], I have no Plan

I have no idea where this will lead. 

But if randomness speaks to you

If you have not been scared away yet

Then..... [Personal name]...

I beg you

Take the Red Pill

Jump Down the Rabbit hole

Enter into the mind of a man who knows not where to start.... 

..... nor where to end. 

1 comment:

  1. Take the red pill? Down the rabbit hole? Crazy randomness? I feel like I'm home already lol
