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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday Weekly # 13 – Purple Nurple

Happy Hump day all! 2 more days till the weekend!

Hope everyone is having a good, relaxing week! Hope everyone has gotten some hobby time in this week!

This has been a fairly productive week... my biggest hobby related project has been the base coat of the 25 miniatures for my Emperor's Children army. Loads of purple to be seen... I was tired of looking at primed grey. So I did some work on the models themselves, and am well on the way to making them tabletop ready!

I was also lucky enough to be able to get another game of Warhammer 40k in... resounding defeat. Ok, looks like the Imperial Fists are a bit overpowered against a foot-slogging Emperor's Children Army. Guess I will be looking at some next tier stuff, see if I can find something to balance the scales. It was nice to be on the receiving of a strong army... all the things that I have not seen work well for my fists worked great for my opponent, so I guess that is a silver lining, for sure.

Lastly, in a bit of a hobby update, water is still really getting into the garage... so it is time to start moving stuff. I will be taking all the non-essentials up to my parents house for... well... a while. It will be nice to work only on the stuff I have easy access to for a while. I do have quite a backlog, and need to start powering through that.

Have a great rest of the week!

Thanks for checking it out!


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