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Friday, March 18, 2016

Fun Friday # 11 – The Dream Gaming Table

Happy Friday All!

Hope everyone had a great week, and is looking forward to an awesome weekend.

Today, I thought I would talk about something that is a dream of mine....having a multi-functional gaming table. What gamer can honestly say they don’t want such a thing? I thought I would take some time today to talk about what I am looking for in a game table, and perhaps even provide a few options to make the ideas feasible.

But first…. Some dreams… I want a table that can seat 6 people comfortably, 8 if needed. A means to project a map on the board. A place to store die and magic decks. Cup holders, so there is no spill danger. Slide out desks, so Player sheets can be kept off the table and tidy. Felt, for ease of card sliding. A cover, so the depths can be covered, even if mid game. Nothing like leaving a game of risk up so you don’t have to put it away.

Anyway… enough dreaming…. Here is what I need.

Perhaps the most important thing I am looking for in a game table is the size. For me, that means the gaming space itself has to be at least 4' x 6', because that is usually the greatest most games play on. (Screw you, Apocalypse.) So I want to have a 4' by 6' space that is set down into the board, so that when I roll the dice in there they do not go flying off the table.
The next thing I am looking for in a table is utility... I want to be able to use this table for more than war gaming. I want to use it for Magic the Gathering, I want to use it for Rpging, I want to use it for board games. I want it to be the type of table that is easy to sit around, and at the right level to be comfortable.

The last thing I want from a gaming table is... well... I want it to look nice. I want it to have a smooth finish, and a dark look to the wood.

This kind of brings me to my last few points.... If I want this, where do I get this? Do I build it? Do I buy it? Well, I am no carpenter. My quality of workmanship would be exponentially worse than if someone made it for me. On the flip side.... The type of table I would want would cost between 4 and 13 thousand dollars. And would take between 3 and 12 months to complete. The tables are beautiful, and have tons of cool features, but that is a ton of money. Several examples are shown. 

What features would you like to see in a gaming table?

Have a great weekend!


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