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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday Weekly # 10 – Pathfinder on the Brain

Hump Daaaay!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Hope the Week is going well so far for all of you!

So, this week in the hobby was fairly productive. It was also quite varied. Pathfinder, Warhammer 40k, painting, and Magic! Needless to say, it has been a good week.
As for Pathfinder, Humble Bundle is doing a bundle for pathfinder books... 350$ worth of books for under 20$. So many people picked it up that they crashed the site. Awesome opportunity to pick up a whole lot of PDFs on the cheap, and support the charity of your choice. So, as a result of this... I have decided I want to run a pathfinder campaign with my RPG group. Included in the bundle was a whole lot of modules to play though, so we have campaigns and encounters that will last for years, even if we play every week. It may be cool if we did a rotating DM thing, but we will see where we go!

As for painting, I did get some basecoat for my Imperial fists finished, my Tactical Support Squad, and my Heavy Support Squad. No pictures today, because I am not totally happy with the results yet, but they will be coming eventually.

Speaking of Warhammer 40K, I was able to introduce the game itself to a friend of mine. It was a pretty fun game, me doing my best to remember all the rules as I explained to him.

Lastly, got some magic in. I do love me some commander. Good game all around, luckily my deck managed to pull through right at the end.

Thank you for reading!

Have a great rest of your week!


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