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Monday, March 14, 2016

Fun Friday # 10 – May the Combo Be With You

Happy Friday everyone!

For this week's fun Friday, I wanted to talk about a card game that is near and dear to my heart... Magic the Gathering. As many of you have played, and are experienced with, Magic the Gathering, I am not going to talk about basic rules. What I am going to talk about... are some nasty combos that I have discovered through my investigations of the game. I am going to start out with a few combos I myself have in deck form... then I am going to talk about some combos that are so crazy, so cheesy, that I will never subject my friends to face them in a competitive format. I like to win, but I am not that much of an Ass. Though some may tell you otherwise.

Ok! Some combos that I have rolling... Starting with my first, which is not optimized, but it still competitive in the format. One of my main decks right now is a Heroic Counter combo deck, which utilizes small creatures with the heroic mechanic to blast out huge creature quickly. I am running it as a Green/White deck, though I am putting thought into splashing a bit of blue into the deck as well. One of the key pieces to the deck is a card called Hardened Scales. Because of the cost, and the effect of that card, I can drop one, maybe even two by turn 2, with a creature, and by turn 3 have a creature that is already being bumped up toward lethal. Pivotal Cards below. 

The second Combo deck that I want to cover is actually a commander deck, with Kaalia of The Vast as the commander. This combo is meant to be a turn 4 option for the kill, though because of the nature of commander, I have only gotten it to go off once, and it has to be the right circumstance. You need to be able to bring out Kaalia by turn 3, which is possible, and swing with her on turn 4. Drop Master of Cruelties onto the field attacking with Kaalia, and if they cannot block, they lose the game.

The last combo I wanted to talk about is truly ridiculous... a student at the school I work at was telling me about it... actually showed me the deck itself. Starts like this... play a Gemstone Cavern before the game begins. Strange, I know, but I will include the cards for your perusal. Discard either Elven Spirit Guide or Simian Spirit Guide from your hand, then play Flash. Play Protean Hulk from your hand... then let it promptly die. Search your library for 4 Disciples of the vault, 1 carrion feeder, and play the 12 (!) X cost artifacts from your library.  They die because they have no toughness... Ready for this? Opponent takes 48 damage, loses the game before they even get to go. On their turn. When they are playing first.

Only play this deck if you really want no one to ever play with you again.


I was speechless.

It should be important to note that Flash has been banned, so this deck would not work competitively. But in a casual game.... Holy Hell

Know of any cool combos you would like to share?

Thank you for reading!


1 comment:

  1. Damn that last combo was hard to follow but devastating none the less. But yeah those combos don't make friends but are always good to have for those friends that need to be knocked down a peg or two. lol
