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Friday, March 4, 2016

Fun Friday # 9 – The Merc With a Mouth

Happy Friday Everyone!

It is time. Time to discuss an amazing movie. A movie I have seen not once, but twice in theaters. A movie I would be happy to see again. I went with a group of friends, then I had to take my wife. Had to.

Dead – Mothereffing- Pool

This movie is absolutely incredible. If you have gentler sensibilities (Language, Violence, Blood, Masturbation Jokes), This is not the movie for you. But If you like all of that fun stuff, you will love this movie.

There was a whole lot that this movie did so right, and a few things it did not do so well on. Here are a few of my personal views.

The absolute best part of this movie, without a shadow of a doubt, is Ryan Reynolds. He was … perfectly cast for this movie. Honestly, Deadpool must have been written, as a comic book character, nearly 20 years ago, for Ryan Reynolds. He absolutely fulfills the role of the Merc with a Mouth. In nearly every aspect of the movie, he personifies the idea of deadpool.

The fourth wall breaking for this movie was awesome. It worked really well, pulling in tons of references that worked really well for the 1990s-2000s kid in me. Over and over again, there was little things that kept popping up, that were not story driving, but great little references.

OK, a few things that were not so great... the first being Mr. Reynold's supporting cast. They were fairly two dimensional... The ladies were pretty, but that was about the extent of it. It would have been nice to see even more exploration of their characters, though I fear they may not be returning.

The next thing that I found not so great was the real lack of footprint for another movie. It is one of those things like... where can it really go after this? It just seemed like the development for the future movies was week.

Thank you for reading,

Have a great Weekend,


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