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Friday, March 25, 2016

Fun Friday # 12 – WAR THUNDER!

Happy Friday all!

Today, I think I am going to talk about something fairly near and dear to my heart... War Thunder.

Some background... I am a History Major, History is my real love, and the 1930s-1950s are my main area of interest... The build up to World War 2, the war itself, and the rebuilding after the war. I have loved this era for years, and love building, learning, and finding new things about it. So when I found a game where you play through World War 2 era planes and tanks... I had to play it. This was the game for me. Sure, for the most part, I hate online play, MMOs.... but I thought I would give it a try for the sake of the game. Oh boy am I glad I did! I was immediately addicted.

War Thunder is a Free to play game from Gaijin, a Russian company. War Thunder is not a pay to win game. You can spend money, buy planes and tanks that are pretty good, but the real bonus they give you is increased research points, which in turn allow you to unlock stronger and stronger vehicles. The only reason I say it is not pay to win is because those premium tanks you can get are tiered equivalent to the other types of tanks they would face. Meaning, with exceptions, there is no huge in game performance boost.

I started out with planes, and worked my way up through the tiers. There are 5 different tiers to play from, with a multitude of planes in each. When you are in matchmaking, the system matches you to planes/tanks that are of a similar Battle Rating, which is usually in an equivalent tier. Tier one planes are biplanes and first generation monoplanes, whereas tier 5 is jet propelled aircraft.

There are a ton of complaints regarding the Battle Rating system, planes that are unusable because they get into matches that are too high consistently, or have a low battle rating and destroy all in their path. There are issues getting into matches of appropriate levels, and it can be really frustrating at times... but after the anger and irritation subsides, you learn from mistakes. Learn how to combat tanks and planes that are ranked higher. You learn how to exploit weaknesses.

Interested in trying out war thunder? Like I said, free to play! Tons of tanks, planes, and explosions!.

Get in it!

See ya in the sky!


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