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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Showcase Sunday # 9 – Imperial Fist Tactical Squad

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

For this week's Sunday Showcase, I thought I would start the showcasing of my Imperial fist army. I will only be going piece by piece, because I am really not sure how far I will be able to showcase... seeing as I need to try to get through 52 of these. We will see!

Just to get things started, I will show off my first completed squad, my Imperial Fist Tactical Squad. I will usually run them as a Veteran Tactical Squad in Age of Darkness games, or a standard Tactical Squad in regular 40k.

The pieces are all Forgeworld, which of course are a joy to work with. I tried to add as much variety as I could to the posing.

The scheme I used for these were very basic, I started with a coat or three of Lydan Darksun, then basically just highlighted it with some extreme highlights with bone. I then just blacked out the black parts, and did some subtle highlighting to that.

I also tried to do some subtle weathering, there will definitely be more in the next squads. 

Let me know what you think!

Thank you,


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