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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Showcase Sunday # 7 - Necrons

Happy Sunday Everyone! Hope you had a great weekend! 

Today, I will be showcasing a small part of my wife's Necron Army.  

When we first started with this army, we were going bog standard Games Workshop scheme for painting. But.... neither of us had any attachment to that scheme. It was just... some paint on a model. So we switched it up, and moved to a blue/teal, rather than green. I would show a boatload of warriors, but I still have a whole lot to finish the conversion process with.  

So today, I will be showcasing a Necron Spyder, and the accompanying scarabs. 

The Spyder was done completely with an airbrush, metallic followed by a bit of zenial lighting in the torso and under the abdomen. Sadly, the picture that we got does not show the lighting as well as I would perhaps hope, though it is a cool shot. So far, in game, this thing is a beast, tossing out scarab bases left and right.  

Moving on to the Scarabs themselves, we have seven bases to use. Each warrior box comes with 12 scarabs, and enough bases to make 3 swarms, but I had a few extra 40mm bases floating around so I expanded a bit. I tried to make each base unique in it's own way. I wanted to make a story with each base. You will notice a smattering of bits across the bases, An imperial fist helmet, a Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult, and some ruins with Imperial graffiti.  

Thank you for looking! 

Have a great week! 


1 comment:

  1. Got a solution to the lighting problem with the pic which is just burn and bury all necron models that you have. problem solved and there is just a little more light to the world. I'd say its a win win lmao
