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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday Weekly # 8 – Getting Some Pigment!

Happy Wednesday all!

This has been a productive hobby week!

I got to play some more 13th Age on Friday, and the more I play this system, the more I like it. If feel so streamlined, so build for adaptation. I love how in depth you can get with your characters... how much connection you can develop. In this latest adventure, I met a scary dragon man (PC), was pushed through a magical sigil teleportation system, and nearly choked to death on smoke. I took part in a bloody bar fight that left a huge dude dead, and myself and dragon man covered in blood. Overall, I think it was a great session.

Now, on to the model related side of things. I was feeling inspired yesterday, so I sat down and base coated my librarian and apothecary. I also got some good paint on my Emperor's Children Contemptor. I struggled with not be fully happy with the way the paint sat on the models, but I kept at it, and think I found a way I like. My trick is a light white point right where the light would hit the model, and hit it with a lighter pigment to make it pop. I have posted up my Contemptor, and my Apothecary, because they showcase the effect pretty well for what i was going for. 

The last thing I got completed was I got the Plasma support squad and Cataphractii teams primed, and ready for paint. This project continues forward!

Thank you!

Have a great rest of your week!


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