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Friday, February 5, 2016

Fun Friday # 5 - The Classy Gamer

Happy Friday Everyone! 

Today I wanted to talk about something that is near and dear to my heart... How to be a Classy Gamer.  

Classy shark. Is classy.. no comment on this sexi shark?:OLet us define what it means to be a Classy Gamer. A classy gamer has a few different things doing for him (or her). Firstly, they must dress for the occasion. Most of the time, that just means slacks and a button down shirt, but for the truly classy of you, that means full out tuxedo with tails. Ladies, a dress skirt for you is fine, though if you want to be really classy, a dress it is. Now, accessories make the package, so as a Classy Gamer you must be able to pull out all stops. Gentlemen, I recommend a classy monocle, as well as a top hat. If you know you will be standing, a cane will truly impress. Ladies, your finest jewels, your finest hat, your finest shoes... that will suffice just fine. If you are feeling very classy, bring a cigarette holder, to filter your cigarettes better. Light if you want, not necessary. As for a drink, I would encourage a nice aged scotch, or a fine wine, held with the pinky out of course. Need to be classy.  

Lastly.... Mustaches. Everyone needs mustaches. Draw them on if you need to, the curlier the better.  

Ok, joking aside, Let's talk about what it means to be a Classy Gamer. A Classy Gamer is someone who can win graciously, and lose with aplomb. They are someone who is open to discussion about how to do better, and happy to give advice if asked. They are someone who people keep coming back to for a game, because regardless of who wins or loses, it is about the journey to get there.  

 Many people forget, at the end of the day, unless you are playing for money, it doesn’t matter who won. Enjoy the experience. Enjoy the company. Have fun with friends. Don't be a douche... that is the opposite of classy.  

Thank you for reading! 

Have a great weekend! 

Stay Classy, Gaming community.  



  1. Haha this a good for sure. many people tend to forget this often since many of us tend to be competitive by nature that we forget that its just a game for fun but i suppose that all depends on how invested you feel to the game in question

  2. Well, from personal experiance, the more invested i am in a game the less enjoyment i really get from it. I try to make sure my personal investment is eqivelent to the other person, and if it really means more to them, i try to do what i can to make it more enjoyable for them.
