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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday Weekly # 7 - The Plog continues

Happy Wednesday everyone!

This week was fairly productive in hobby terms, I got to test out a some lists, I got to build some models, and I got to participate in a Magic Booster Draft!

So firstly, a buddy came over to help me test play a few Horus Heresy Age of Darkness army lists... and there are definitely some issue to iron out, but for the most part the Imperial Fist list mashed the Emperor's children. It could have been a variety of reasons, like the other guy playing too conservative, or it could be the 5 man toting plasma squad ripping the armor of the cataphractii. Either way, I will have to work to balance them a bit. I am hoping that the balance will be more evident in a 1500 point game.

I got 10 more models constructed! Only 45 left to go!

The first squad I got finished was my cataphractii terminators. They definitely under-performed in the game we played, but I am thinking that getting some paint on them will help the dice roll better. (Paint=Better Dice rolls, Duh!). I really like the looks of these models, the Betrayal at Calth box set truly is something special. Games workshop outdid themselves with this.

The second squad I got going was the MVP of my Imperial Fist force, the Plasma gunner tactical support squad. Again, a joy to build, the only thing I struggled with these models was how... similar in posture they are. I will have to use paint to differentiate the individual marines better.

Now, the other cool hobby related thing I was able to this week was participate in a friendly magic Booster Draft. Booster drafts are actually quite fun, they are great for bringing a ton of variety into a non-constructed format. You never really know what cards you are going to end up with. For example, my killer card, which I was fortunate enough to pull in my first booster, was Elspeth, Sun's Champion. She visited the field 3 times in my 8 games, and just wreaked havoc on the board. Overall, it was just a great night, loads of fun, and some good magic all around.

Thank you for reading!

Have a great week!


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