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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday Weekly # 14 – Spring Break! AFK

Hey folks!

I am gone for the week in Alabama to see the Wife's Family!

I will be thinking some Hobby stuff, hope to share when I get home!

Have a great week all of you!


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Showcase Sunday # 14 - Some Terrain!


Today, I thought I would show you some pieces that I built for my gaming table… some terrain!

I love looking at quality terrain, terrain that is both awesome to play on, and fun to look at. Now, I may have achieved that, or not, that is for you to decide. I definitely do not have enough terrain to fill up my board, and have much more to build/paint. 

The first piece I am going to show you is an ancient meteorite that has fallen into a swamp, squishy and gross. This was my first real attempt to work with flocking, and I think it was fairly effective.

The second piece I am showcasing is a piece that was originally designed as a base for a Necron model, but it was just too much model to be functional. So…. I made it into a line of sight blocker.

Let me know what you guys think!

Thanks for looking,


Friday, April 1, 2016

Fun Friday # 13 – Displaying The Goods

Hi all!

Today, I wanted to talk about how to best display your favorite hobby pieces. When it comes to a nice model you painted, a rare comic book, or even a collection of Pop!s, you want to display what you have.

So for today, I wanted to share what I have, and what I have in mind... if money was no issue. Dreaming can happen!

My current display case I use mainly for my painted models. It is a 6 tiered wooden display, with glass facing on 3 sides, and a sliding door. There is a nice light that shines down from the top, and illuminates the models. The shelves are a bit small, but because my painted collection is not huge yet, that is not a problem. For some perspective, my full 1500 point imperial Fist force will only just fit on a shelf.

Now... if I was to talk about my dream cabinet...

Massive shelves, built into the wall, with a nice sliding glass door to keep it compact. I am thinking some drawers, or opening cabinets beneath, so I can store terrain, unfinished models, board games, the like. I am thinking probably wooden shelves, with downlights built into them so the models are well illuminated. I would also want varying sizes, so I can put the large models in safely, but also have ample space for multiple armies.

What would you want in your display cabinet?
